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май 30, 2013

Как лесно да следим инвестициите си в ДФ (с google spreadsheet)


След като държавата прецени, че българинът разполага с предостатъчно средства и е време за нов данък, който стана актуален от началото на 2013 година (интересното при него е че стана ретроактивен, което попари доста спестяващи български семейства като им жулна данък върху депозит направен много преди да се заговори за това, например 2 или 3 години по-рано), нормално беше хората със спестявания да потърсят алтернативен начин за вложение на парите си така че поне да се преборят с инфлацията. Единият вариант бяха така наречените безсрочни депозити, а другият (за малко по-авантюристичните) дяловото участие в доверени фондове.

Тази статия цели да помогне на не-специалистите да следят и измерват по-лесно инвестицията си в ДФ.


Пресполагаме че вече сме си избрали ДФ където искаме да закупим дялове. Ако още не сте си избрали фонд, българският финансов пътеводител е добър старт.

Най-лесният вариант да следим движението според мен е google spreadsheet.

За да разработим пример ще използваме един от фондовете на UBBAM.

Избираме си фонд и проследяваме адреса на който се визуализира в табличен вид информацията за ценните. В случаят с "Патримониум Земя" адресът  се генерира автоматично от JavaScript и се състои от постоянен адрес и две променливи: начална дата и крайна дата.


За този пример ни е нужен само най-новия запис, за това ползваме следнтата формула за получаване на конкретен адрес:

=CONCATENATE("http://www.ubbam.bg/libs/graphics.php?id=39&type=5&date_to=",TEXT(TODAY(), "yyyy-MM-dd"),"&date_from=", TEXT(TODAY()-1, "yyyy-MM-dd"))

Така получаваме валиден адрес за зареждане на данни за цените на ДФ.

Следваща стъпка е да си направим импорт на тези данни: в гонрния край на таблицата ползваме функцията за импортиране на данни от web таблици:

=ImportHtml(B19, "table", 0)

където b19 е клетката в която сме получили адреса.

До тук имаме автоматично обновяване на данните за текущите цени и брой дялове на фонда при всяко отваряне на нашия документ.

Следваща стъпка е да въведем нашите покупки и формулите по които можем да изчисляваме показателите които не интересуват: текуща стойност на инвестицията ни, абсолютен растеж в проценти, относителен годишен растеж и т.н. Според конкретните инвестиционни цели структурите на формулите могат да се различават, но основното, което ни интересува е дали участието ни във фонда ни носи печалба и ако да дали тя е по-голяма от онова, което банките предлагат като лихвени проценти за срочните депозити.

Целият пример може да бъде видян тук.


Участието в ДФ има своите плюсове и крие своите рискове, бъдете сигурни че сте се запознали добре с тях и за всеки случай отново прегледайте материалите на страниците на сайта "моите пари", където е подробно обяснено на български език всеки аспект на този вид инвестиции.

С помоща на малко познания от училище и малко компютърна грамотност е възможно да имаме лесен удобен и смислен достъп до данните за нашите пари инвестирани в ДФ.

май 25, 2013

What's wrong with Linux desktop

It is going to be a rant!

A few weeks back I was surprised to learn that Google has decided to stop supporting older versions of libc on Linux and thus the binaries you can download are incompatible with older Linux distro versions.

I still run Fedora 13 on my personal laptop and this was a clear signal that I am way behind end of life of the OS product. On the other hand I already know that I hate unity, mostly because task switching is awful hard and unintuitive. Basically they copy the OSX way of doing things: if you want to use Alt+Tab you end up switching applications and if an application has multiple windows you have to wait and perform a different set of instructions in order to be able to select a particular window. Well that's bad if you use multiple applications when working but some of them have multiple windows.

Let's make an example:

Google chrome for browsing and reading documentation/examples on the Internet.
Google chrome with different user for testing (without plugins)
Chome's debug tool as a separate window (or several of them)
Sublime text 2

Now, the problem is that I can no longer just use Alt+Tab, I have to construct a special mental model of how the environment is handling the windows and then perform some acrobatics with my fingers just to get to the window I need. This is waste of time and I installed gnome 2. It was still possible on ubuntu 12.04

Today I installed Fedora 18 (how many years later is that?).

You can imagine my surprise when I realised that Mutter is doing exactly the same stupid window selection thing as Unity!!!

Okay open source (shitheads) developers: I can understand that you LOOOOVVVEEE OSX and your child dream is to make a free UI that is better than mac's UI, but my question is this: of all the beautiful and awesome things OSX does (packaged apps anyone??!?!) how could you copy the worse EVER feature??

You might find it surprising bit this is the truth: Microsoft got it right! OSX is wring! Users want to change windows with Alt+Tab and tabs with Alt+1-9, no one wants to change "context" or "application" with ANYTHING, this is the most useless feature EVER!

The other most distasteful thing done in Gnome is the hard binding of the Windows key to whatever the stupid panorama view functionality is called. I want to change my keyboard layouts with the left windows key - the way I was doing it forever (I started using Linux in 1999 and ever since then I was using the freaking windows key to switch kbd layouts). Is it so hard to just make a key binding optional? It seems it is, if I need a whole application just to tell the freak show that gnome 3 is to use special keys for layout switching, because guess what, by default you need a real key to do it, just like an action trigger in an applications does, so basically Gnome3 is swallowing your applications' shortcuts!

Thanks a lot developers. You have ruined a perfectly well working desktop environment, and turned into mix of the worse decisions made in each and every OS out there.

On the bright side of things Xfce is working well enough. But there is still no support for remote servers (a la Nautilus) and this makes it impossible to use Thunar if you work in a networked environment and you need the remote files to look for all possible applications as local files.

Anyway, I think Gnome3 should die and all the developers that are working on it should be restricted from contributing to any software that has na UI for the rest of teir lifes.

There, I said it. I feel much better now.

май 21, 2013

Polymer (by Google)

At IO this year a new project to build a toolkit on top of web components was presentedPolymer.

The demonstration was simply brilliant (in contrast of the Web components - tectonic shift talk's demos) and it showed the 'promised land' the exhausted web developer, who has to combine again and again the same JavaScript files with each new project (and mind you, a new web application is built for 6 to 8 weeks these days, so this is a lot of repetitive work) just to get those standard components to work and align as they are supposed to. Then he has to battle with the performance and load times and then and only then he can start implementing the application logic.

Lots of efforts has been spent to put off pressure from the regular Joe developer in recent years as well, lots of frameworks, libraries, utilities, build tools, component architectures and other stuff were invented to make this an easier and faster to complete task and yet we are at the place where it takes days if not weeks to gather everything you will need until you can start implementing application logic.

Everybody wants us to believe that the resolution to this chaotic state is called Web Components. So much, that companies started to implement early prototype frameworks and tool-kits on top of the still emerging standards by shimming the lacking support and polifilling the browser incompatibilities.  So today you can go and test drive the "future of web".

Well, I have so you don't have to.

And it sucks.

It does not work. Half of the examples do not work as expected. Even in latest stable Chrome or Firefox. Some that failed there worked in Mobile Safari, but mostly what you see is a repetition of what we have had for years on our hands from developer's perspective: lots of files that we have to know where to gather from and how and when to include in our page just to get things to load, from then on we have to figure out this new shiny approach to data management (we just learned to use meaningful data structures and consistency checks on the client side and to combine it with two ways data binding). And what about memory management? What about node count? For years we have been taught to not put too much nodes in the document and all of a sudden we are putting nodes in fragments twice as much as the old fashioned applications. Did the browser vendors all of a sudden implemented much better large DOM node list handling?

Anyways, while the approach is very interesting for me (lots of good ideas there, basically from the demo it seems you can have even the most complex interaction models implemented as a tag and you can use it as any other tag, including nesting the same tag inside, which is kind of cool and basically not possible with complex applications unless specially designed to be possible).

However the fact that even the simplest demos do not work or work very poorly (terrible redraws on mobile, terrible response time even when there is only one widget on the page - practically completely useless on mobile for now).

This leaves the developer with very bad feeling about this bright new web future. And then again China has 25% traffic coming from IE6 and companies simply just cannot ignore that. You can ask any international company or a company targeting that market - they do not care about the future, they care about the cash flow and right now IE6 is driving 25% of it in Chine, even if it is less than 6% globally. China is BIG! On top of the mess with IE there is also the performance case: it is still very unclear how is load time being solved in the case where you have tens of components loaded from all over the Internet.

I completely agree that we should not look too much in the rear mirror, but guess what, you cannot drive forward without it.