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август 25, 2015

Evaluating jsaction library.

From time to time one starts wondering how are the some bigger web applications written, what technology has been used and from the properties of the product attempt to make decision if such technology could be useful for one's workflow.

This week I decided to take a look at jsaction - somewhat small library used in the making of Google+. If you happen to not use G+ (and if you believe the Internets - the chances are you are not, unless you are a Google employee) the web app features fluid design and is very capable on mobile phone (under chrome) - works really great and stays responsive and fast even after using it for a while.

The library itself has an interesting proposition: separate the event registration from the event handling and in this way allow for some interesting situations:

  • render server side and send content to be rendered as HTML
  • send script that basically does nothing else but to queue events 
  • additionally send 'handler' script that contains all the app logic 

As expected this results in HTML that is fast to load and works without waiting for the actual application logic to arrive over the wire. All handlers are registered on the body element and once the application logic is loaded the events are being replayed and dispatched to the designated handlers. 

The handlers themselves are described in the HTML directly via custom attribute (jsaction, thus the name of the library). The system is very similar to the event delegation pattern, but the actual handler code is determined from the html attribute instead of being declared in the code. This means that the handlers do not care much about where the event comes from in the DOM tree, which is kind of powerful.

The library supports custom events as well, unfortunately those cannot be declared in the HTML with the actual custom type of the event, instead the '_custom' type is always used and the actual type is hidden deep in the detail property of he event. In fact there is a global define flag that allows you to use the custom action name in the jsaction property: you can test it like this

    'jsaction.EventContract.CUSTOM_EVENT_SUPPORT': true

Additionally the event's artificial propagation is stopped once a matching handler is found.

This poses and interesting limitation: you cannot use the same combination of event name and handler in a nested tree as the first match will stop the flow. This however can also be controller by a global flag, take a look at eventcontract.js

The library is small and does not contain any 'gotchas' as far as I can tell. Big part of the code is wrappers around IE and other specific cases (mouseenter/mouselave, mac specifics etc). Another big chunk is static description of the library specific syntax. 

In what case would it be useful? 

I could easily imagine pages where certain actions must be available on user input (a la jQuery 'sprinkling' magic) and you would like the application logic to be kept on only one place. In this scenario you would need code that 'finds' elements on the page and add handlers to them (usually in the form of $('whatever').bind(...)).

jsaction allows you to skip the last part and instead of imperatively bind the actual logic to specific elements that JS needs to find in the DOM, one can simply add a property to the needed elements that will automatically bind the correct elements to the correct actions and corresponding handler.

It is important to notice that the library requires closure library and closure compiler (the latter one is optional, but almost inescapable for production), but this is only an implementation detail. The idea of the library could be useful outside the scope of closure tools and reminisce of the inline handler definitions we used back in the 90s, only in this case we have the namespaces to separate the different controls and the custom events. 

In the context of larger apps I believe the concept is becoming too complex to handle as the JS developer and the template developer need to coordinate on what is exposed and where (as the controls can be separated into smaller containers and not necessarily being document level, this is the events are being listened for always on the body, but the resolution of handlers can be scoped to container element, allowing for 'widgets' like boundaries).

For smaller projects I think it could be very useful especially to decouple the application logic from the specific endpoints in the DOM from where it should be triggered. 


Is this library for me?

Probably not, unless you already have experience with closure tools and you do not want to go deeper in the UI frameworks forest and instead you need simple and clean solution to attach application logic to specific points in the view. Note that all default events are supported (so mouse, keyboard, touch) and you can make it as complicated as needed (G+ is using it, and it's not simple), but unless you really want to render mostly server side and not deal with finding elements or constructing DOM on the client or you have very fluid design and you cannot keep up with HTML changes in case you have a large project it might be beneficial to consider other options before electing to go with jsaction. 

август 20, 2015

RPC package generator for closure library / compiler

Update: published package and demo app.

Recently I have been using the rpc package for Dart, which in turn provides a very useful capability: it supports discovery document generation and stub file generation for consuming the API.

However my use case is a little bit different and Dart is not yet there when it comes to easy JS integration (i.e. consuming Dart code from external JS file).

My fronted is written entirely in JavaScript with closure library and closure compiler compatible style. Taking a note from the idea of automatically generated code I wanted to generate API specific rpc consuming package based on any discovery document, generated code to be 100% compatible with the compiler and the existing code in the library.

The effort took 3 days, but I am happy to say that it now works for what I have as a small test API. It is very possible that I missed something or there is an edge case I did not see, so apply cautiousness if you decide to use it.

What does it support?

On top of the standard expected things like DTO classes and rpc method implementations the following extras are included:

  • integration with the xhr package (goog.labs.net.xhr) for clean promise based interface
  • integration with the assertion library and checks on incoming data when goog.DEBUG is true
  • dto instances that optionally extend a base class to support event emission when changed
  • implements 'toJSON' in order to support easier serialization
  • full type information preserved
  • closure style guide rules are honored in the resulting code

The main idea was that I wanted the code to be as clean and as useful as if written by hand.

The produced file contains two packages namespaced after the API - one for the DTO classes and one for the rpc call. Resources are nested inside the rpc package.

The whole thing was designed as part of my pstj library. The code is here.

To run it with your project install all dependencies as described in the readme, then use this command:

node path/to/pstjlib/nodejs/discovery --uri http://some/discovery/endpoint --output-path path/to/store/rpc.js

As usual the code is closure compatible and can be run in the browser as well (see here).

I hope it could be useful to someone else as well.

август 10, 2015

List data optimizations experiment.

First and foremost it seems like a very important thing to tell that this test is entirely synthetic: it does not represent any significant information that you should consider when writing your applications. 

This said, if you are interested in the use case I will share it at the end of the post.

Last week I had a discussion with a colleague about memory, garbage collection and CPU utilization for list-like data structures - basically we wanted to check a theoretical postulate deducted from the knowledge about how JavaScript VM works and some assumptions about the speed it operates on different objects types.

The riddle was as follows: given a list of objects representing points on a drawing board, consider possible implementation as to achieve speed and low memory footprint.

Two competing ideas were considered initially: Plain JavaScript arrays and linked list implementation as JavaScript objects with 'next' property.

Additionally we wanted to see what is the overhead of having garbage collection involved, for that reason we have implemented four versions of the test code:

  1. Using array, recreating the array at each pass and recreate the objects in the array each time.
  2. Using linked list, recreating the items in the list each time and linking them, de-reference the head of the list when cleaning.
  3. Using array but taking the items from a pool and returning them before de-referencing  the array on cleanup.
  4. Using linked list and taking items from a pool and returning them before de-referencing the first item on the list.

To make it even more interesting we decided to implement the same thing in JavaScript and a language compiled to JavaScript, in our case Dart.

Then we had to come up with a value that is way out of the actual use case, but seemed like could be large enough to have a measurable performance implications. In our case we tried with 100BLN - however this simply crashed Chrome. After some experimentation we settles on 1MLN.

To simulate real world case we separated the creation and destruction of the data by binding it to buttons in the HTML,this was because we wanted to prevent any hidden optimization that could be performed if the scenario was run without pauses between or equal pauses. I am not aware if such optimization even exist, but I just wanted to be sure. Using setTimeout was not an option as I wanted to keep the code as clean as possible. Before running each test we were making a full refresh and force clean of memory, then we measured 6-10 creations and destruction and then we repeated the test and took the average time and memory of the execution.

The computer the test were run on is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz, 8GB mem, Fedora Linux (with all latest updates), Chrome 44.0.2403.130 in incognito window.

The results

## JavaScript

1) 210ms total time (75MB fluctuation)
2) 140ms total time (55MB fluctuation)
3) 70ms total time (23MB on 1 fold, 45MB on 2 folds)
4) 17ms total time (2K on 1 fold)

## Dart
1) 290ms total time (74MB fluctuation)
2) 130ms total time (56MB fluctuation)
3) 100ms total time (28MB on 1 fold, 55MB on 2 fold)
4) 29ms total time (1.5K fluctuation)

The first number of each measurement is the total time it took to execute the test function (i.e. without the handler of the click event of the button), the second one is the amount of memory the heap had to grow and subsequently clean for each run. Where 2 folds are used - the memory was cleaned every two runs, the first number is the amount it grew for single run. The last test does not trigger garbage collection for the small number of tests so it only grew.

As a side note: the time to clean things up in the case of a pool is almost the same as the time it takes to get items out of the pool, but it is not included in the total time as it happens asynchronously. 

Because we had feedback on the idea even before deciding to actually implement it I will share some of the feedback:

  • arrays are very fast and you can use them everywhere, no need to optimize further
  • garbage collection is very fast for new generation objects so you do not need pools
  • arrays do not trigger garbage collection is you clean them with 'array.length = 0'
  • iteration over arrays is as fast as accessing properties on an object so you do not need linked list
Because we were never involved in the process of optimizing for garbage collected languages, let alone V8 it was safe to assume that we might be wrong and any of the above statement are true.

The first test was no surprise: 1 million objects created and de-referenced on each run was expected to be memory costly.

What took us by surprise was that a list with 1 million items on it actually took  ~20MB of memory. Second test proved that having an array to contain all the items with such a big number of items was a significant overhead. At this stage we have also discovered that the 'array.length = 0' trick was no better than simply create a new array: arr = [].

There was simply no difference when comparing things in the context of 1 mln items.

The third test was interesting because it allowed us to limit the memory fluctuation using items from a pool and basically allowed us to measure much better how much memory the array actually consumes. The amount of memory used by the pool remains constant as it does not change the whole time. 

As you might notice the time of creating an array and crating objects is identical to the time of using only the objects (linked list) and only the array (when using pool). This was logical and expected.

The final test recreates destroys the linked list entirely from the pool. We made sure to clean the 'next' property correctly when returning items to the pool. At this point we almost made it to the point of making it into time for a RAF, but not entirely. The code will take longer on a lower specs computer of course. At this point I was really surprised, for some reason most people I talked about this with (me including) expect that adding an item to an array should not be so costly. 

I am almost sure that this is not the case for smaller arrays.

Potential use case

The reason I wanted to use the lowest memory solution was because of the context the data will be used in: drawing and animating on large canvas. I wanted to be sure that adding to the list and iterating over it is as efficient as possible as to avoid any pauses in the animation and drawing.


The reason I wanted to implement the same test in Dart is that it is marketed as a solution for large scale applications that perform just as well as JavaScript and is scale-able and more suitable for large apps and teams. 

As one can see from the results there is a different between the two implementation, while I tried to follow the exact same semantics as close as possible. One difference that can be noticed in the dev tools is that the call stack is 3 levels deeper, however the measurement state that all those nested invocation have the same time share. I am not sure if this might be a good reason for the slower execution.

A side note for the Dart to JS compilation: it was done from the command line with the following transformation flags:

- $dart2js:
    checked: false
    minify: true
    commandLineOptions: ['--trust-type-annotations', '--trust-primitives']

To my knowledge this should produce the smallest, fasted code possible. 

Surely Dart VM could have beaten these results, but it is not in discussion anymore, JavaScript is the way to go.  What worries me a little bit is if dart code when transpiled to JS will ever run as fast 'native' JavaScript. Of course this test is totally superficial and should be taken with a ton of salt, but still, it is one of the simplest things to do in computing (working with lists). Is it possible that small, insignificant slow-downs here and there in Dart could make a whole large application slower than a similar one written in JS? This is for the Dart developers to answer.


Test are fun. We had a hypothesis and we wanted to see what will happen. We did. Should we always prefer linked list over arrays (where possible, as indexing is much slower as well as random access)? Of course not, arrays are great! 

But from time to time you might be in doubt how things work and if you correctly understand the execution of your code and the implication it has. In that case just write a test. Even if it is flowed, even if it is unrealistic - write a test and try to understand more about your target platform through it! 

Co-authored with LexMihaylov